Unico (Japanese: ユニコ, Hepburn: Yuniko) a Japanese manga series written illustrated Osamu Tezuka.It serialized Sanrio's shōjo manga magazine Lyrica [] November 1976 March 1979 collected two volumes. series the titular unicorn he his magic help friends around world different time periods.
The Fantastic Adventures Unico: Directed Toshio Hirata, Osamu Tezuka. Katsue Miwa, Ryouko Kitamiya, Kazuko Sugiyama, Junko Hori. Unico, young unicorn, taken his family evil gods, powers joy happiness put the test. Unico's power triumph darkness?
Unico a special unicorn the ability make he meets happy. the gods not pleased, out jealousy, bid West Wind exile young Unico the Hill Oblivion, he stay, alone, forever. Luckily, West Wind a kind soul instead, hides Unico from place place, keeping shielded the eyes the gods. the way, Unico .
Unico (ユニコ Yuniko?) a manga anime character Osamu Tezuka. Unico a baby unicorn white fur, pink mane, little cinnamon bun-shaped ears, was born the special gift making living creatures lighthearted happy. friends the manga anime incarnations his story include Beezle, orphaned Devil Solitude; Chao (or "Katy" .
Find news updates information the anime, manga, merchandise, more! . Information. Anime. Unico: Black Cloud White Feather (1979) Unico (1981) Unico the Island Magic (1983) Saving Fragile Earth: Unico Special Chapter (2000) Dr. Pinoko's Forest Adventure (2005) Manga. Unico Manga (1976-1979)
In anime, Unico a white body, red/pink mane, blue green eyes. Personality. being bullied treated terribly his travels, Unico remains positive hopeful. dislikes alone wants be happy loved others. Unico his to those need.
Looking information the anime Unico (The Fantastic Adventures Unico)? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. Unico Unicorn the amazing power make he meets happy. it's of personality the powers his horn, one knows. However, gods jealous Unico, thinking only .
Unico banished the Hill Oblivion, the West Wind ordered take there. . Premium access includes unlimited anime, ads, new episodes shortly they air Japan .
Unico (ユニコ, Yuniko) the main protagonist the manga anime films the name Osamu Tezuka Sanrio. was voiced the late Katsue Miwa the original Japanese version the Sanrio film series Barbara Goodson the voice Unico the English dubs. Unico's of bringing joy others him trouble the gods, believe happiness .
Anime. Unico: Black Cloud White Feather (1979) Unico (1981) Unico the Island Magic (1983) Saving Fragile Earth: Unico Special Chapter (2000) Dr. Pinoko's Forest Adventure (2005) Manga. Unico Manga (1976-1979) Shougaku Ichinensei Manga (1980-1984) Unico Manga (2024) Characters; Manuscripts; Publications. Lyrica Related Unico .
Unico (Manga) - Tezuka In English
Review: 'Unico', by Osamu Tezuka | flayrah
Hope and Happiness in The Fantastic Adventures of Unico - Anime Herald