The Lost Village (迷家-マヨイガ-, Mayoiga) a Japanese anime television series produced Diomedéa, directed Tsutomu Mizushima written Mari Okada, character designs Naomi Ide music Masaru Yokoyama.The series began airing April 2, 2016, finished airing June 18, 2016. [1] [2] [3] title, Mayoiga (迷い家, "Illusion House"), originally stands .
Looking information the anime Mayoiga (The Lost Village)? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. bus full eccentric individuals headed the urban legend as Nanaki Village, place one supposedly start and live perfect life. many different ideas why village be .
The Lost Village: Shin'ya Takahashi, Kodai Sakai, Tarusuke Shingaki, Yoshiaki Hasegawa. group 30 individuals on bus tour Nanaki Village order leave their normal lives arrive find the village hiding secrets.
Want watch anime Mayoiga (The Lost Village)? out MyAnimeList's free streaming service fully licensed anime! new titles added regularly the world's largest online anime manga database, MyAnimeList the place watch anime, track progress learn about anime manga.
The Lost Village. Season 1. 30 young men women came on shady bus tour. tour's destination: illusive, possibly nonexistent village called Nanakimura. Nanakimura, can lead utopian existence, free the world's obstacles … so was rumored, an urban legend. . Suspense • Anime .
Stream watch anime The Lost Village Crunchyroll. 30 young men women came on shady bus tour. tour's destination: illusive, possibly nonexistent village called .
Thirty strangers sign for shady, one-way bus trip Nanakimura: village urban legend claims hidden deep a mountain forest. wish run from problems, hope make fresh start, all discover place their dreams actually nightmare. village an abandoned wreck, surrounding woods to filled monsters, people .
Visit TV show page 'The Lost Village' Moviefone. Discover show's synopsis, cast details, season information. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, episode reviews. .
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The Lost Village (迷家-マヨイガ- Mayoiga) a Japanese anime television series produced Diomedéa, directed Tsutomu Mizushima written Mari Okada, character designs Naomi Ide music Masaru Yokoyama. series began airing April 1, 2016 finished airing June 18, 2016. title, Mayoiga (迷い家, "Illusion House"), originally stands a Japanese .
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