Nozoki Ana (Japanese: ノ・ゾ・キ・ア・ナ, lit: Peep Hole) a Japanese manga series written illustrated Honna Wakou two college students, Tatsuhiko Kido Emiru Ikuno, are neighbors the apartment complex are connected a small "peephole" their rooms. Nozoki Ana serialized Shogakukan's Moba Man mobile phone manga magazine/website .
Looking information the anime Nozoki Ana? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. moving his apartment, art school student Tatsuhiko Kido discovers crack his wall. he peeks inside, makes eye contact his neighbor, Emiru Ikuno, she masturbates.
Nozoki Ana aka Peephole a 42-minute long OVA (or 55 minutes you watch extended version) based a manga 13 volumes. dropped manga 2 volumes it a boring porn-story some extremely dumb equally boring characters. need worry that though, what story manga had, wasn't put .
A foodie? quiet sort Or… killer? is birth a brand-new manga! do think lives door? college student? secretary? foodie? quiet sort Or… killer? is birth a brand-new manga! Home. . Peephole. Rahson. Add Library. Start Reading. 0. N/A. Erotica Action Psychological Romance Drama .
Looking information the manga Nozoki Ana? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. Tatsuhiko Kido moves the city attend art school, he is normal college life full fun, friends, cute girls. his life takes dramatic change he peers a hole his apartment wall sees .
Tatsuhiro moved Tokyo attend art school start new life. his room, there's small hole the wall. first can nothing the small hole, one night, the peeping hole, saw girl. That's his life starts.
Nozoki Ana a Japanese manga written illustrated Honna Wakou two college students, Tatsuhiko Kido Ikuno Emiru, are neighbors the apartment complex are connected a small "peephole" their rooms. Nozoki Ana serialized Shogakukan's Moba Man mobile phone manga magazine/website released .
Nozoki Ana (ノゾキアナ; lit. "A Peep Hole") a manga series written illustrated Honna Wakou. Nozoki Ana serialized Shogakukan's Moba Man mobile phone manga magazine/website released thirteen volume compilations October 2009 February 2013. was adapted an original video animation 2013 adapted a live action film was released June .
Alt title: Peep Hole overview; recommendations; characters; staff; reviews; custom lists; Vol: 13; Ch: 117 Mobile Man. 2009 - 2013 . 4.007 of 5 2,642 votes . typical story standards in comedic manga anime traded the line (actually pretty soon) very heavy story dealing power struggles .
Suprisingly, suggests they show through peephole. Tatsuhiko agrees they venture each other's private life the peephole. Notes. Based manga series "Nozoki Ana" Wakou Honna (published January 23, 2009 Shogakukan's Moba Man mobile phone manga magazine/website). Cast
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