Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase (Japanese: 月詠, Hepburn: Tsukuyomi) a Japanese manga series Keitarō Arima.The manga serialized the monthly manga magazine Comic Gum March 2000 March 27, 2008. series spanned sixteen manga volumes were published Wani Books Japan. manga series later adapted a 25 episode anime television series Shaft, aired TV .
Hazuki, known Luna, the main female protagonist Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase. Hazuki appears a young girl; 13 years age. has preference cutesy clothing lolita fashion. is constantly in cat ears some form; white her color choice. has long purple hair goes her with blunt bangs stopping above eyes two .
1 to Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase wiki; 2 Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase wiki a collaborative effort document the anime the manga Tsukuyomi Moon Phase; 3 News; 4 Contribute; 5 Read manga. more reliable source
Moon Phase: Chiwa Saitô, Hiroshi Kamiya, Monica Rial, Jason Liebrecht. Kouhei frees cute vampire a castle, follows home starts causing trouble.
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Tsuyokumi -Moon Phase- a 26 episode anime vampires featuring action comedy. Initial impressions all the place. thought was horror, an ecchi the intro didn't help, it's of things. It's decent watch actually, feel free try it.
The anime "月詠 −MOON PHASE−" a Japanese television series aired 2004 2005. story revolves Hazuki, 14-year-old vampire was imprisoned a castle 8 years she freed a photographer named Kouhei. Hazuki falls love Kouhei decides stay him, they face challenges .
Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase (月詠 Tsukiyomi?) a manga series Keitarō Arima a young vampire girl named Hazuki a Japanese freelance photographer Kouhei Morioka Hazuki attempts make her servant. manga adapted a 25 episode TV anime series the Shaft studio aired late night TV Tokyo October 4, 2004 March 28, 2005, by additional .
The is list episodes the anime adaptation Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase.The anime series directed Akiyuki Shinbo, was produced Shaft.Mayori Sekijima the series composition writer, Daisaku Kume composed music.
Looking information the manga Tsukiyomi (Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase)? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. you from family exorcists mediums, you're expected have powers. despite a psychic lineage, Kouhei Midou can't predict future, can see dead people.
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