Mononoke (モノノ怪) a Japanese anime television series produced Toei Animation.A spin-off 2006's horror anthology series Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales, Mononoke the character the medicine seller he continues face myriad supernatural perils. Mononoke takes place the of Edo period the Meiji era Japan a four-class system, .
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Long ago, world engulfed war, monsters ruled the shadows. now, samurai peasants live an age peace. monsters, secretly controlled country a variety black magic, been but forgotten. live only myths, longer.
Ninja Assassin+ Main Story: Prologue Script; Ninja Assassin+ Main Story (Soji) Script; SojisRoom.jpeg; KyokateiInterior.jpeg; ToriEstateInterior.jpeg
Looking information the anime Mononoke? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. "Medicine Seller" a deadly mysterious master the occult travels feudal Japan search malevolent spirits called "mononoke" slay. he locates of spirits, cannot simply kill it; must learn .
Mononoke Movie: Phantom the Rain, adapted the 2007 spin-off anime series Mononoke, an absolutely gorgeous overwhelming movie.
"Mononoke Kiss" a type dating simulation game, depicting forbidden romance a princess (a player) a mononoke (a handsome humanoid monster). story starts a scene which mononokes attack castle. of sudden mysterious beautiful man appears front the princess saves from danger; leave castle escape the mononokes. .
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Has played we Date?:Mononoke+ Kiss?? so,who's story you playing? I'm playing Hajime's story I stuck an Items Checkpoint.I 4 Passports I only 1. . Anime Girl Drawing. 159. 114. Featured post Question the Week #58. 342. 18. Featured post
Explore beautiful world Mononoke Kiss stunning anime art. Dive the captivating story love spirits. the walkthroughs guides progress the game. Discover choices will shape destiny.
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[ Anime Kiss ] Mononoke Hime - Kiss - YouTube
Princess Mononoke San And Ashitaka Kiss