Hiyokoi (Japanese: ひよ恋) a shōjo manga series written illustrated Moe Yukimaru.It serialized Shueisha's monthly shōjo manga magazine Ribon, had published fourteen tankōbon volumes. [2] name the series a pun "Hiyoko" (ひよこ, means "chick") "Koi" (恋, means "love"). twenty-two-minute-long movie based the manga .
Hiyokoi anime info recommendations. recovering an accident, Hiyori retu. Anime. Anime season charts; Anime recommendations; Browse anime . Warning Review Contain Spoilers Hiyokoi, adore manga this series I so excited find that was adaption it, this honestly a bit .
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Hiyokoi (ひよ恋, lit. Cute Chick) a romantic-comedy manga published Shueisha the monthly shoujo manga magazine Ribon. are 14 volumes 61 chapters the manga. first volume released December 2009. Nishiyama Hiyori a 15 year-old girl is extremely shy short a height 140 centimeters. being hospitalized a car accident, Hiyori forced .
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Nishiyama "Hiyorin" Hiyori the female protagonist the Hiyokoi anime special manga series. is 15 year-old girl her year high school, is the class Hirose Yuushin. is friends Nakano Ritsuka, has friends her kindergarten. was born March 13 is Pisces.
Hiyokoi: Shin'ya Takahashi, Nao Tôyama, Saki Fujita, Ayana Taketatsu. Hiyori, small timid girl, to school the time a year an .
Nishiyama "Hiyorin" Hiyori the female protagonist the Hiyokoi anime special manga series. is 15-year-old girl her year high school is the class Hirose Yuushin.She best friends Nakano Ritsuka, has friends her kindergarten.Her blood type A. Hiyori voiced Ayana Taketatsu.
Hiyori, small timid girl, to school the time a year an accident left hospitalized. Follow as struggles her social skills, to friends maybe a bit more.? (Source: Imangascans)
Hiyokoi manga info recommendations. recovering an accident, Hiyori retu. Anime. Anime season charts; Anime recommendations; Browse anime . Hiyokoi (2012) Anime Adaptation. 2012-01-01 - 2012-01-01; TV Special: 3 ep ; Characters. Hiyori NISHIYAMA. 1 Yuushin HIROSE. 1 Kisaki TOMINAGA. Kou NITOBE.
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