Futurama an American animated science fiction sitcom created Matt Groening the Fox Broadcasting Company later revived Comedy Central, then Hulu.The series Philip J. Fry, is cryogenically preserved 1,000 years revived December 31, 2999. Fry finds work the interplanetary delivery company Planet Express, working the one-eyed mutant Leela .
The segment animated a 1930s black-and-white "Fleischer Walter Lantz style". [6] Professor Farnsworth discovers comet of diamondium, hardest substance the universe, sends crew gather diamond dust the comet's tail polish doomsday device. Fry sneaks the surface the comet finds large gem, he hopes give Leela an .
Futurama: Created David X. Cohen, Matt Groening. Billy West, John DiMaggio, Katey Sagal, Tress MacNeille. Philip J. Fry, pizza delivery boy, accidentally frozen 1999 thawed on Year's Eve 2999.
Each segment showcases different style animation. first segment animated "a black-and-white Fleischer style", second segment in style a low-resolution video game, the is drawn the style anime. episode non-canon is final episode the sixth season Futurama. Ongoing Themes [] Fry .
Start free trial watch Futurama other popular TV shows movies including releases, classics, Hulu Originals, more. It's on Hulu. . One-Punch Man TVMA • Comedy, Anime • TV Series (2015) Gravity Falls TVY7 • Cartoons, Animation • TV Series (2012)
Futurama an American animated science fiction sitcom series created Matt Groening developed television himself David X. Cohen. is chronologically Fox's fourth animated series debut. series produced 20th Television The Curiosity Company. series focuses the lives delivery boy named Fry, captain Leela, robot Bender the futuristic 31st .
A delivery boy cryogenically frozen a millenia finds new home a futuristic York City. finds new job - as delivery boy - to distant relative begins new life delivering cargo Planet Express, Inc.Futurama created Matt Groening, is known creating long-running animated family sitcom Simpsons.
Accidentally frozen, pizza-deliverer Fry wakes 1,000 years the future. is in his sole descendant, elderly addled scientist owns small cargo delivery service. the crew members Capt. Leela, accountant Hermes, intern Amy, obnoxious robot Bender lobster-like moocher Dr. Zoidberg.
Futurama Cast. Meet Futurama characters keep laughing — matter millennium you're in. . Philip J. Fry (voiced Billy West) Philip J. Fry, just "Fry," the central character Futurama.He starts series a pizza delivery boy accidentally cryogenically frozen New Years Eve 1999 wakes 1,000 years later.
Buy Futurama: Complete Series Google Play, watch your PC, Android, iOS devices. . classic black-and-white, old-school videogame, Japanese anime. 103 Season 9 Episode 1: Bots the Bees. 6/19/12. Season-only. Bender fathers child the office soda machine. 104 Season 9 Episode 2: Farewell Arms.
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Futurama anime Revived At Hulu With Original Cast John DiMaggio Not