Uzumaki a chilling anime adaptation Junji Ito's critically acclaimed horror manga. Set the fictional town Kurouzu-cho, psychological thriller explores terrifying consequences a town cursed spiral patterns.
From mind Junji Ito. project completed assistance the Georgia Film Office, division the Georgia Department Economic Development.
Uzumaki (うずまき, lit. ' Spiral ' [4]) a Japanese horror manga series written illustrated Junji Ito.Appearing a serial Shogakukan's weekly seinen manga magazine Big Comic Spirits 1998 1999, chapters compiled three bound volumes published August 1998 September 1999. March 2000, Shogakukan released omnibus edition, by second .
What Uzumaki About? Uzumaki an anime adaptation the 1998 horror manga the name, written illustrated Junji Ito. Here's official synopsis Warner Bros.:
Uzumaki Season 1 a psychological horror anime mini-TV series. first season produced Production I.G Adult Swim. Based the manga series written illustrated Junji Ito, Uzumaki Season 1 spans four episodes.The series directed Hiroshi Nagahama. Composing music multi-instrumentalist Colin Stetson.
Looking information the anime Uzumaki (Uzumaki: Spiral Horror)? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. the town Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives fairly normal life her family. she walks the train station day meet boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, sees father staring a snail shell an .
Play trailer 1:29 Season 1 - Uzumaki 2024 Drama Horror Anime Play Trailer Watchlist. Watchlist Tomatometer Popcornmeter. 80% Tomatometer 10 Reviews 70% Popcornmeter 50+ Ratings
Enter spiral Sept 28th @ 12:30 - day @StreamOnMax Based the original graphic "UZUMAKI" Junji ITO published Shogakukan Inc.© Junji ITO.
Uzumaki's four-episode run air Saturday nights Adult Swim's Toonami block starting tomorrow, September 28, 12:30 a.m. episode debut Japanese English subtitles .
The Uzumaki anime a four-episode mini series slated released September 28 last aired October 19 2024 Adult Swim's Toonami programming block the United States. series co-produced Production I.G. USA for episode 1. they switched studios, is Bang Zoom! Animation Studios episode 2 Adult Swim, animated Studio Drive, Hiroshi .
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