An animated TV series Leiji Matsumoto, sequel the 1982 film Arcadia My Youth. follows Captain Harlock his crew they fight Illumidas, race humanoids enslave planets, search a mythical Planet Peace.
Arcadia My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX. Season 1. this anime sequel the classic Arcadia My Youth, Captain Harlock his starship crew been exiled Earth. the planet overtaken evil humanoids, Harlock battles peace. 38. 1982 22 episodes 13+ .
Looking information the anime Waga Seishun Arcadia: Mugen Kidou SSX (Captain Harlock: Arcadia my Youth - Endless Orbit SSX)? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. the of Arcadia My Youth Capitain Harlock the crew the space ship Arcadia been banished Earth.
Arcadia My Youth: Infinite SSX: Created Leiji Matsumoto. Yuriko Yamamoto, Kei Tomiyama, Satomi Majima, Makio Inoue. Aliens conquer earth enslave human race, hope freedom abandoned. one man not give up. Captain Harlock, brave space pilot, leads resistance vows oust aliens restore freedom his planet.
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Far the future, terrible alien menace named Illumidas conquered Earth. War hero Captain Harlock his faithful crew forced flee space their cutting-edge battleship. they travel galaxy fighting injustice, Harlock dreams some day finding Arcadia, legendary planet all humans be free. his journey, Harlock joined more valiant young .
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An anime sequel the film Arcadia My Youth, featuring Captain Harlock his crew a space opera adventure. Learn the production, characters, plot, themes this 1982-1983 series.
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