High-Rise Invasion (Japanese: 天空侵犯, Hepburn: Tenkū Shinpan) a Japanese manga series written Tsuina Miura illustrated Takahiro Oba. series serialized online DeNA's Manga Box app December 2013 April 2019, Kodansha compiling into twenty-one tankōbon volumes. manga licensed North America Seven Seas Entertainment.
High-Rise Invasion. High-Rise Invasion. Release year: 2021. High schooler Yuri finds atop skyscraper a strange world, she survive masked assailants bent killing prey. . Action Anime, Japanese, Mystery & Thriller Anime, Anime Series, Sci-Fi Anime, TV Thrillers, TV Shows Based Manga.
High-Rise Invasion (天空侵犯, Tenkū Shinpan) a Netflix anime adaptation the original manga series the name. was released February 25, 2021 worldwide. High school student Yuri Honjo finds lost an "abnormal space" countless skyscrapers connected suspension bridges "masked figures" mercilessly slaughter confused fleeing .
Welcome High-Rise Invasion Wiki, fan-made encyclopedia dedicated exploring about High-Rise Invasion. hope grow one day achieve the #1 source information the series. help and started editing today! . High-Rise Invasion Wiki a FANDOM Anime Community. View Mobile Site
Looking information the anime Tenkuu Shinpan (High-Rise Invasion)? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. witnessing man's head cracked open an axe, 16-year-old Yuri Honjou trembles fear confusion she flees the masked assailant, to find she's trapped an abandoned building every .
High-Rise Invasion - watch online: streaming, buy rent . you able watch "High-Rise Invasion" streaming Netflix, Netflix basic Ads. . Animation, Mystery & Thriller, Action & Adventure, Horror, Science-Fiction, Classic Japanese Anime. Runtime. 25min. Age rating. TV-MA. Production country . Japan. Cast . Shiki Aoki .
High-Rise Invasion: Created Tsuina Miura. Haruka Shiraishi, Shiki Aoki, Yûichirô Umehara, Jonah Scott. High schooler Yuri finds atop skyscraper a strange world, she survive masked assailants bent killing prey.
On roof a high-rise building, young girl named Yuri witnesses masked figure split man’s head open an axe! It’s exactly everyday occurrence a high schooler, things get weirder there. Yuri finds in strange world skyscrapers only options escape—fight the mysterious masked figures leap her death!
The of Netflix's exciting anime line of 2021 arriving February! Brilliantly brutal bloody, High Rise Invasion certainly of most intriguing Original anime arrive Netflix months. have you to about High Rise Invasion, including plot, cast, trailer, Netflix release date. High Rise Invasion an upcoming Netflix Original .
High-Rise Invasion (天空侵犯, Tenkuu Shinpan) a suspense manga written the creator Ajin, Tsuina Miura illustrated Takahiro Oba. manga serialized online DeNA's Manga Box app December 2013 March 28, 2019. Kodansha held license publish series compiled into twenty-one tankōbon volumes, Seven Seas Entertainment published series .
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