Death Parade (Japanese: デス・パレード, Hepburn: Desu Parēdo) a Japanese anime series created, written, directed Yuzuru Tachikawa produced Madhouse.The series spawned a short film, Death Billiards, was originally produced Madhouse the Young Animator Training Project's Anime Mirai 2013 released March 2013.
Looking information the anime Death Parade? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. death, Heaven Hell awaits humans. for select few, death brings to Quindecim—a bar only pairs people die the time enter. Attending bar an enigmatic figure as Decim, .
Welcome Death Parade Wiki most reliable source knowledge the Anime created Yuzuru Tachikawa. Join wiki help grow further today. . Wiki about anime series, Death Billiards Death Parade, anyone edit! Careful: wiki SPOILERS, read caution! Death Parade.
Death Parade a drama thriller anime series a bar serves deadly game the souls the dead. can stream watch series subtitles dub Japanese, English Spanish Crunchyroll.
Death Parade an anime series Decim, arbiter the Quindecim, judges souls the dead based their game results. series 12 episodes is based a 2013 short film the creator.
Death Parade. Season 1. is place death that's heaven hell—a bar serves one chance win. cannot leave the game over, when is life be, too. 2015 12 episodes X-Ray 16+ Suspense • Anime .
Death Parade a psychological thriller anime a bartender judges souls the dead a mysterious bar. Read overview, reviews, recommendations, custom lists this 2015 series Anime-Planet.
Watch Death Parade (English Dub) Death Arcade, Crunchyroll. TV personality Misaki Tachibana convinced she in Quindecim part a hidden-camera TV show, enlists counterpart .
Death Parade (Japanese: デス・パレード, Hepburn: Desu Parēdo) a 2015 Japanese anime television series. was created, written, directed Yuzuru Tachikawa produced Madhouse. television series aired Japan January 9, 2015 March 27, 2015.
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Death Parade: Sinopsis, Manga, Anime Y Mucho Más