Akira (Japanese: アキラ) a 1988 Japanese animated cyberpunk action film [4] directed Katsuhiro Otomo, produced Ryōhei Suzuki Shunzō Katō, written Otomo Izo Hashimoto, based Otomo's 1982 manga the name.Set a dystopian 2019, tells story Shōtarō Kaneda, leader a biker gang childhood friend, Tetsuo Shima, acquires incredible .
AKIRA (アキラ) a 1988 Japanese animated sci-fi action film directed Katsuhiro Otomo, written Otomo Izo Hashimoto, produced TMS Entertainment several partnered Japanese animation/tech companies referred The AKIRA Committee. film features voices Mitsuo Iwata, Nozomu Sasaki, Mami Koyama, Taro Ishida. is adaption Otomo's manga AKIRA, focusing .
Looking information the anime Akira? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. Japan, 1988. explosion caused a young boy psychic powers tears the city Tokyo ignites fuse leads World War III. order prevent further destruction, is captured taken custody, to .
Akira a Japanese cyberpunk media franchise based Katsuhiro Otomo's seminal manga, Akira, published 1982 1990.It adapted a 1988 anime film three video games. live-action feature film also in development 2000, a anime television series Otomo also announced 2019.
Akira (Japanese: アキラ) a 1988 Japanese adult animated cyberpunk action film directed Katsuhiro Otomo, produced Ryōhei Suzuki Shunzō Katō, written Otomo Izo Hashimoto, based Otomo's 1982 manga the name.Set a dystopian 2019, tells story Shōtarō Kaneda, leader a biker gang childhood friend, Tetsuo Shima, acquires incredible .
With dynamic action, grand scale incredibly detailed animation, Akira often claimed be milestone the history anime. However, are crucial aspects lacks be considered truly great show.You know, good old-school anime (Berserk, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost the Shell, Area 88, Wings Honneamise etc.) share common traits, of genres: .
The 2000s a seminal decade anime came age, these series capture creativity nostalgia still inspires entertains. Posts 9 Oct 12, 2024
Stream watch anime Akira Crunchyroll. Clandestine army activities threaten war torn city Neo-Tokyo a mysterious with powerful psychic abilities escapes prison .
In animated film based the manga series, childhood friends pulled the underworld Neo-Tokyo forced fight survival. Watch trailers & learn more.
The film continues be of most beloved movies anime history. Akira the time West engaged Japanese culture en-masse. also changed theview anime its .
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Akita Inu Illustration by Benson-Tjio
AKITA INU •DOG BREED's Instagram post: "Big respect for that drawing 😎🔥